Peconic Estuary Eelgrass Restoration Project


In preparation for large-scale plantings, numerous test plantings were conducted in 2004 at the site to determine the most suitable methods for large-scale restoration. However, despite the high ranking for this site in the planting suitability model, the site is challenging when compared to previous planting sites given its exposure to high energy storms and strong tidal currents. We had to modify our methods from those used in sheltered embayments.

Test plantings at this site included several different methods involving both seeding and adult shoot transplants. The seeds used at this site originated from flowers from Hay Beach Point (SI) as well as Orient Point. Adult shoots were gathered nondestructively from the same areas with most of the plants coming out of Orient Point. Our shoot collection method calls for harvesting shoots that are uprooted and dislodged from the eroding edges of the existing meadows. Seeding methods have included Buoy Deployed Seeding, broadcasting on open bottom as well as broadcasting into planted grass. Adult shoot planting has included Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely using Frame System (TERFS) planting, free planting at two densities (i.e., 200/m² and 400/m²) and plantings stabilized using rocks from the adjacent beach. Based on the results of this work, we do not expect that seeds will play a significant role in restoring this site until we can successfully establish a large area of adult shoots. Until that time, use of seeds is not justified. Based on the results of 2005 monitoring of our test plots, a planting density of 200/m² will be used as the target density for future efforts. Planting methods will include free planting and rock planting. During spring of 2006, test plantings will target several different depth contours to target the most effective planting depth for large-scale plantings to take place in Fall 2006. We expect to transplant approximately 50,000 adult shoots to this site to begin the process of restoration.

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